Can Pet Frozen Meat Be Eaten Directly?
There are many ways to freeze-dried meat when feeding. For example, feeding directly, mixing in food, grinding into powder as complementary food and soaking water, pet owners can change different feeding methods when feeding, so that the pet is eating. It is time to increase the fun of freeze-dried food. Let's take the cat food freeze-dried meat as an example to talk about the above feeding methods.
1. Freeze-dried cat food can be fed directly
For example, freeze-dried meat can be fed directly when feeding. This feeding method is convenient. Cats can feed directly if they want to eat. Free-dried foods that are fed directly are more brittle when eaten, and are suitable for cats that are grinding their teeth. Some of the freeze-dried cat food packages are relatively small, and the cat owner is more convenient to carry when going out, so that the cat can eat freeze-dried cat food even if it is out.

2. Cat freeze-dried in cat food
Sometimes cats don't like to eat cat food. The cat owner can mix the freeze-dried meat in the cat food, mix it evenly and feed the cat. The taste of the freeze-dried meat is more fragrant, so the cat smells the food. When the fragrance is not rejected, the cat can eat the frozen meat and the cat food together. The cat owner does not have to worry about the cat not eating cat food.
3. Cat freeze-dried meat can be fed with water
If some cats have a bad stomach, the cat owner can use the warm water to soak the freeze-dried meat. The frozen meat will return to the shape of the meat after the bubble is opened. When the cat is eating, there will be a kind of eating. The feeling of the meat, the lyophilized meat that is soaked is also easier to digest for cats with bad stomach.
4· freeze-dried meat can be ground into powder to make complementary food
Freeze-dried meat is not only rich in protein, but also contains a certain amount of cellulose, fat and amino acids, which is also helpful for cats. The cat owner can also grind the freeze-dried meat into powder and use it as a supplementary food for the cat. It can be sprinkled on the cat food. The lyophilized meat that is ground into powder is fragrant and delicious.

If you want to make your own frozen food, you can buy our food freeze dryer. We can provide competitive price, good quality and long service life.

Post time: Mar-26-2023